
2天前—Here'saguideonhowtodoit:ConnectyouriPhonetotheMacandopentheQuickTimePlayerapplication.HeadtoFile>NewMovieRecording.,YoucanmirroryouriPhonescreentoyourMaceasily!OurexpertsidentifythreeeasystepstoscreenmirroriPhonetotheMac.ReadtoknowmoreatiSTYLE ...,,2023年12月20日—Firstofall,go-toiPhone,swipedowntoopentheControlCenter.HereyouwillfindaScreenMirroringoption;taponit.Afterclickingit, ...,2...

How To Share iPhone Screen on Mac

2 天前 — Here's a guide on how to do it: Connect your iPhone to the Mac and open the QuickTime Player application. Head to File > New Movie Recording.

How to Screen Mirror iPhone to Mac?

You can mirror your iPhone screen to your Mac easily! Our experts identify three easy steps to screen mirror iPhone to the Mac. Read to know more at iSTYLE ...

[Newest] How to Mirror iPhone to MacMacBook?

2023年12月20日 — First of all, go-to iPhone, swipe down to open the Control Center. Here you will find a Screen Mirroring option; tap on it. After clicking it, ...

How to Mirror Your iPhone Screen to a Macbook

2022年9月23日 — To mirror your iPhone's screen to a Mac computer, you can use QuickTime or AirPlay. Here's how to do both.

[2023 Updated] How to Mirror iPhone to Mac with 5 Methods

2023年8月23日 — Connect your iPhone to your Mac with a USB cable. · Open the QuickTime Player on your Mac. · Click “File”, and choose “New Movie Recording”.